Monday, 15 December 2008

Web Based Proxies and Christmas

Web based proxies are useful all year round. But they are even more valuable at this time of year than ever. Why is this?

I know most schools and colleges and some universitys start to die down for the festive perioid and this means that students tend to have more free time than before!

What does this mean? It means more time to sit around and surf the internet!

Sadly though, you still have a problem. Websense! Lightspeed! etc! In summary, web filtering companies! As a student these companies should be your arch enemy. Their sole job is to stop you looking at what you want to see online. Fancy checking out what people are up to on myspace? Yes you do, a bit like most students (Ok it may be facebook or ubranchat twitter urbangardens datingservicepro etc) but you will probably find if you are in any decent sized school that they pay alot of money to filter these websites out.

Blocked by Websense This is a depressing image that alot of people will know:

To bypass this blocked by Websense page you need to use a gateway page, A gateway page is a website which acts on your behalf and requests other websites for you.

In a normal networking environment your requests to view a webpage will look like the following:
Your Computer -> ISP -> Web Site

In most typical college network setups it looks like the following
Your Computer -> WebSense server -> Block page

Using a web based proxy you can bypass this block page just because websense has not categorized the proxy yet, in this setup the traffic will look a bit like this:
Your Computer -> WebSense Server -> Web Based Proxy -> Your Page


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